Convert TXT to PNG

Free TXT to PNG Text Visualization Tool

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How We Protect Your Files

All file transfers are encrypted using industry-standard SSL/TLS encryption

Files are stored in secure, isolated cloud storage using Cloudflare R2

Free user files are automatically deleted after 24 hours

Registered users have full control over their file storage and deletion

We never access your files except for automated conversion processing

Transform plain text files into image format with our TXT to PNG converter. This service turns your text documents into shareable, printable PNG images, preserving the exact formatting and content. Perfect for creating visual representations of code snippets, poems, quotes, or any text content you want to share on social media, embed in presentations, or protect from easy editing.

How to convert TXT to PNG


Upload your TXT file or paste your text content


Choose your image settings (font, size, background color)


Click 'Convert to PNG'


Download your text as a PNG image

Benefits of converting TXT to PNG

Share text content as images on social media platforms

Preserve exact text formatting in a visual format

Create visually appealing code snippets or quotes

Protect text content from easy copying or editing

Generate images for presentations or documentation